
Meet the Team: Aur Beck

 Meet the Team: Aur Beck

If you’ve ever met Aur Beck (and if you’ve spent any amount of time in Southern Illinois, you probably have), “shy” is probably not the first word that comes to mind. Aur’s gregarious presence as part of innumerable events and organizations in the region would probably lead you to believe he is an extrovert, but as it turns out, quite the opposite is true. Aur credits “tons of passion” for helping others and serving as our Founder and Chief Tech for motivating him to regularly get out of his comfort zone.

Meet the Team: Jon Diefenbach

 Meet the Team: Jon Diefenbach

If you have read one of our blogs, liked one of our posts on Facebook or Twitter, or scrolled through our photos on Instagram lately, you’ve seen the handiwork of Jon Diefenbach, who handles our social media and marketing. Though he prefers to work behind the scenes, he loves to spread the word about solar and keep our fans informed on the latest happenings in the world of renewable energy.